English Edutainment
This is a blog which focuses on teaching and learning English materials for students and teachers. It is still far from what students and teachers need. So, let's share each other.
English Edutainment
This is a blog which focuses on teaching and learning English materials for students and teachers. It is still far from what students and teachers need. So, let's share each other.
English Edutainment
This is a blog which focuses on teaching and learning English materials for students and teachers. It is still far from what students and teachers need. So, let's share each other.
English Edutainment
This is a blog which focuses on teaching and learning English materials for students and teachers. It is still far from what students and teachers need. So, let's share each other.
English Edutainment
This is a blog which focuses on teaching and learning English materials for students and teachers. It is still far from what students and teachers need. So, let's share each other.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Kisi-Kisi Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA-MA 2012 (The Grating of National Examination for Indonesian Senior High School 2012)
English Tongue Twisters
- Great for pronunciation practice - particularly for focusing on problem areas.
- Write a tongue twister on the board
- Read it With the students, slowly at first, then faster.
- Make sure students' pronunciation is acceptable.
- Get individual students (or pairs) to say the sentence three times, getting faster each time.
- Make up tongue twisters to practice pronunciation of new words. Use words with similar sounds to the ones you wish to practice and rhyming words in the tongue twisters. Here are some examples:
- How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood'?
- She sells seashells on the seashore; the shells she sells are seashells I'm sure.
- Red leather, yellow leather, red leather, yellow leather etc.
- A proper copper coffee pot.
- Three grey geese in a green field grazing.
- Swan swam over the pond, swim swan swim; swan swam back again - well swum swan!
- Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper, where's the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?
Thursday, December 29, 2011
"Choral Reading or Speaking" and "Who, Where and What?" (An English Teaching Method)
- This activity practices descriptions and can be used as an introduction or follow up to an activity on almost any topic.
- Divide the class into manageable groups.
- The teacher reads a description of an object, person, event or place and students have to guess what it is. For example:
- An object in the classroom.
- A category such as, in the kitchen or in the market.
- A person in the classroom/school/ a famous person.
- A local place, for example, a park, library, town hall, etc.
- A local festival or celebration.
Choral reading or speaking is simply reading or speaking in unison or all together under the direction of a leader. It has three major purposes: learning, performance and enjoyment. However, practicing choral speaking or reading does pot necessarily mean there must be a public performance. rice. Practice has its own value whahcr the product is shared with others or not. Choral speaking or reading has many benefits:
• It can help students get used to group activities.
• It provides for cooperation and directs all students-toward a common goal.
• It can be successful regardless of class size or grade level.
• As students are not speaking alone, they may feel less self-conscious, and this offers greater opportunities for those who are shy or withdrawn to speak.
• It helps speech improvement in speed, intonation, volume, and diction.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Backs to the Board (Game For English Class)
- Divide the class into two groups - A and B.
- Draw a line down the middle of the hoard, label one side A and the other B.
- Two students (one from team A and one from team B) sit with their back to the board. Student A sits in front of the B side of the hoard. Student k sits in front of the A side of the board.
- Team A and team B are allowed to see the board.
- Write a word from the vocabulary topic areas you want to practice on side A. It' your topic is sport, for example, you write football on side A and a different sport oil side B, such as basketball.
- Group A have to describe (or mime) their sport to student B. Student B has to guess whet they are miming (students A and B cannot sec the hoard). If' student B acts it correct a point goes to team B. At the same time team B is describing their sport to student A.
- The winning team is the team that gets the most words correct in the time period.
- To make it more challenging the student has to make a complete sentence using the word in order to get a point, for example, " He is gloving football.”
Monday, December 26, 2011
Lonely Student, Oral Cloze and Four Corners Games for Teaching and Learning English
For the next fun games in teaching and learning English are Lonely Student, Oral Cloze, and Four Corners. They are a simple game, however they will be an interesting English learning process for teachers and their students.
Lonely Student
- One student (or one student from each group) stands facing, the class.
- the teacher gives the rest of the class a word, which they then must explain to the student without saying the actual word.
Oral Cloze
- Choose a suitable text. Using texts from the course book that you have already read or listened to in class will help students revise recently learned vocabulary and structure.
- Before the lesson, read the text and choose the key words.
- Read the text but stop before a key word and get the students to guess what the word is going to be.
- At the end you can discuss the correct word the possible alternatives and what information and skills they used to choose the words.
- This is not only also a great activity for practicing listening comprehension, but also helps practice identifying key information and builds students' prediction skills. Both of these skills are emphasised in the curriculum.
Four Corners
- Divide the class into learns or groups.
- In each corner of the room put a word. for example a preposition or a tense, past simple, present continuous, etc.
- Read a sentence (minus the preposition or tense) and a member from each group must run to the appropriate corner.
- In the example illustrated below. Team C has got the wrong answer
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Chinese Whispers Game
- Divide the class into manageable groups. 7 or 8 students per group is ideal.
- Give one student in each group a piece of paper with a sentence on it.
- That student has to read the sentence, put down the paper and whisper the sentence to the second student.
- The second student must whisper it to the third student, and so oil down the line.
- The last student either says the sentence as they heard it or writes it oil the board.
- Each group then checks their sentence against the original.
- The winning group is the one which has the same or closest version of the original.
Friday, December 23, 2011
How many things can you think of that? (Think Fast Game)
- Divide the class into manageable groups.
- Ask Students to try to think of as many things that can fit a given definition or topic, within a set time limit.
For Example:
How many ...
- ...things can you think of that are small enough to fit into a matchbox'?
- ... are bigger/smaller than you'?
- ...are rectangular /round'?
- ...make a noise? ...work on electricity'?
- ...are made of paper / wood /glass`?
- ...people enjoy looking at'?
- ...have handles'?
- …you can use to sit on?
- ...you do when you are shopping?
- ...that you need for sports? etc.....
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Tic Tac Toe English Class Game
- Divide the class into two teams - A and B.
- Draw two grids like the ones below oil the board.
- On one grid fill in the squares with the structures or vocabulary areas you want to practice.
- Leave the other one blank for scoring. As each team gets an answer right you write their team letter in the corresponding box.
- The object of theis to get the answers right and will a box for your team. The team who gets three boxes in it row in any direction is the winner. See example below. In this example team A answered questions on classroom objects, jobs, transport and the body.
- Be sure to have cards with it a variety of questions on each category.
- This game can be used mime times, just keep changing the topics and adding to the question cards.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
How To Create a Productive Classroom
- Make the classroom materials interesting for the students -- include music, sporting events, local issues, activities with a purpose and a result, quizzes, games, etc.
- Adapt the activities to suit your class – deoebdubg yoib the level of your class or the variation in levels of students in the class. Make sure the materials are neither too difficult nor too easy.
- Comfort and safety - try to create an environment In your classroom where students are not afraid to try, where students don’t laugh each other or make each other feel embarrassed for any reason.
- Encourage mistakes! - tell students not to worry about inaking, mistakes. It is better to try and do someting and slake a few mistakes than not to try at all. When students feel comfortable about doing something even though they know they won't get it 100% correct, they'll try harder and try more often because they won't be afraid.
- Praise and reward - praise builds confidence. When correcting students, begin by highlighting what they did well. Follow with a discussion of one of two mistakes or errors that need improvement, but don't over-correct. Focussing only on what they did wrong will damage their confidence and de-motivate students.
- Ensure that students regularly experience some degree of success –especially at the end of the lesson!
- Make sure students are actively engaged throughout the lesson - keep them busy all the time! This is important in large classes so you can work with individuals or groups.
- Vary the way you teach - try new activities and methods! For example, if the course book uses lots of comprehension questions, make a matching activity for a change. If you always work with the whole class together, divide them into groups occasionally.
- Make the task of teaching easier for yourself and your students – teach students to work independently, use students to help you, share ideas with other teachers, etc.
- Make the most of the (limited) materials you have – do not just use material once, and discard it – use texts again and again with different activities each time.
- Keep energy levels high - do warm ups, get students physically moving.
- Students make their own activities - keep their interest by netting students to make up activities. This can be quite time-consuming but students do enjoy it. It will get easier and quicker to do once you have done it a few times.
- Tes/Grading free lessons - have lessons without any grading and testing, from time to time. Students will be encouraged to try harder.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Love in English Idioms
Types of love
Getting married
Monday, December 19, 2011
Free On Line Learning English
- Beginning English.
- English Learning Tip of the Day.
- English Word of the Day.
- Intensive Grammar.
- Vocabulary.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
100 Learning English Grammar (2)
50. Use like, not as, to give examples.
I prefer warm countries, like Spain. (NOT I prefer warm countries, as Spain.)