Thursday, December 29, 2011

"Choral Reading or Speaking" and "Who, Where and What?" (An English Teaching Method)

Who, Where and What?

  1.  This activity practices descriptions and can be used as an introduction or follow up to an activity on almost any topic.
  2. Divide the class into manageable groups.
  3. The teacher reads a description of an object, person, event or place and students have to guess what it is. For example:
  • An object in the classroom.
  • A category such as, in the kitchen or in the market.
  • A person in the classroom/school/ a famous person.
  • A local place, for example, a park, library, town hall, etc.
  • A local festival or celebration.
Choral Reading or Speaking
Choral reading or speaking is simply reading or speaking in unison or all together under the direction of a leader. It has three major purposes: learning, performance and enjoyment. However, practicing choral speaking or reading does pot necessarily mean there must be a public performance. rice. Practice has its own value whahcr the product is shared with others or not. Choral speaking or reading has many benefits:
•    It can help students get used to group activities.
•    It provides for cooperation and directs all students-toward a common goal.
•    It can be successful regardless of class size or grade level.
•    As students are not speaking alone, they may feel less self-conscious, and this offers greater opportunities for those who are shy or withdrawn to speak.
•    It helps speech improvement in speed, intonation, volume, and diction.


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