Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Backs to the Board (Game For English Class)

This game is appropriate to check student's skill especially in mastering vocabularies. We can play it for all chapter of the lesson materials. There are some steps for teacher to prepare the class. They are:
  • Divide the class into two groups - A and B.
  • Draw a line down the middle of the hoard, label one side A and the other B.
  • Two students (one from team A and one from team B) sit with their back to the board. Student A sits in front of the B side of the hoard. Student k sits in front of the A side of the board.
  • Team A and team B are allowed to see the board.
  • Write a word from the vocabulary topic areas you want to practice on side A. It' your topic is sport, for example, you write football on side A and a different sport oil side B, such as basketball.
  • Group A have to describe (or mime) their sport to student B. Student B has to guess whet they are miming (students A and B cannot sec the hoard). If' student B acts it correct a point goes to team B. At the same time team B is describing their sport to student A.
  • The winning team is the team that gets the most words correct in the time period.
  • To make it more challenging the student has to make a complete sentence using the word in order to get a point, for example, " He is gloving football.”


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