fender (of a car) wing
fervor fervour
festive gathering jollities (sl.)
fetus foetus
fiber fibre
fire department fire brigade
fired sacked
first floor ground floor
flashlight torch
flavor flavour
fooling around messing about or mucking about (sl.)
for rent to let
freeway motorway
freight train goods train
French Frog (sl.)
french fries chips
fuel oil petrol
gasoline (or gas) petrol
gas cooking gas
garbage can dustbin
garbage dump rubbish tip
genuflection genuflexion
get lost! (sl. leave) push off! (sl.)
glasses +spectacles (sl. specs)
gray (color) grey (colour)
grounded (electrical) earthed
got have gotten
hand drill +brace and bit
hang around (sl. loiter) hang about (sl.)
hang up (telephone) ring off
hardware store ironmongers
harbor harbour
hemoglobin haemoglobin
hearing aid deaf aid
hiccup hiccough
honor honour
hood bonnet
horn (of a car) hooter
hubcap +wheel cover
humor humour
inflection inflexion
installment plan hire-purchase
intermission interval
jail gaol
janitor porter
jewelry jewellery
judgment judgement
kind of +rather
labor labour
lawyer barrister
lawyer soliciter
leather neck (sl. US Marine) jollies (sl. Royal Marines)
legal holiday +bank holiday
leveling levelling
license licence (n.; v.= license)
line que
lining up queueing
lodgment lodgement
long distance (telephone) trunk call
looney dottie (sl.)
loot boodle, swag (sl.)
luggage +baggage
luster lustre
mail post
mail letter
mailbox postbox or pillar box
mailman +postman
maneuver manoeuvre
marvelous marvellous
men's room gents (sl.)
messy shabby
meter (unit) metre
meter (as in voltmeter) meter
mist damp
mold mould
molder moulder
molt moult
mom (mother) mum
movie +film
movie theater +cinema
municipal judge magistrate
neighbor neighbour
newsstand kiosk
notary public commisioner of oaths
nuts (sl. crazy) dotty (sl.)
offense offence
orchestra seat stall
organize organise
overdraw (an account) overdraft
overpass (highway) flyover
pad (sl. house) digs (sl.)
pal (sl. friend) +fellow, chap (sl.)
pants +trousers
paralyze >paralyse
parking lot motor park
penny (cent) pence
picked up (arrested) nicked (sl.)
pharmiscist chemist
phone booth call box
phony phoney
photo flash flashlight
plain moor
plow plough
practice practise (v.; n.= practice)
pretense pretence
program programme
pulled up drew up
radio wireless
railroad car railroad carriage
rain cape ulster
raincoat mackintosh (or mac sl.)
research scientist boffin (sl.)
red hair ginger hair (sl.)
restroom +lavatory
rigor rigour
root beer ginger beer
rubber boots +gum boots
rubbers +galoshes
rumble seat dickey seat (sl.)
savor savour
sawed sawn
scallion spring onion
schedule (SKED-JEWL) scedule (SHED-DUAL)
Scotch tape celotape
scratch pad scribbling block
second floor first floor
sepulcher sepulchre
set the table lay the table
sewers drains
sidewalk path or footpath
shoes boots
shoeshine boy bootblack
shorts (underwear) pants
show up (sl. arrive) pop in (sl.)
shower +shower bath
smelled smelt
smolder smoulder
somber sombre
space heater electric fire
speakeasy (sl.) off licence (sl.)
specter spectre
speedboat engine boat
stand (law court) dock
station wagon estate car
stool pigeon (sl. informer) grass (sl.)
store +shop
story (as in: three story) storey
streaked with... shot through with...
streetcar tram
subway underground
subway station tube station
suspenders braces
swamp bog or mire
swimming pool swimming bath
switch (railroad) points
tailored shirt maker bespoke shirtmaker
takeout (food) takeaways
taxes rates
taxpayers ratepayers
taxi +cab
theater theatre
thumbtacks drawing pins
time= HH:MM time=HH.MM
trailer caravan
trench coat duffle coat
truck (motor truck) lorry
truck bogie
trunk (of a car) boot
tire tyre
toilet water closet (W.C.)
traffic cirle roundabout
tumor tumour
TV (sl.) telly (sl.)
undershirt vest
vacation holiday
vacuum tube valve
valet (military) batman
vapor vapour
vaudeville music hall
vest waistcoat
vise (tool, clamp) vice
wagon waggon
watch out for the... mind the...
whiz +whizz
will shall/will
will not shan't
windsheild windscreen
workman tradesman
wrench spanner
z (zee) z (zed)
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