English is used as an international language has two types based on its origin. They are British and American. When we want to learn English we must pay attention to some rules. We must be consistent whether using British English or American English. Remember, you must avoid to mix both of them. The following are some differences of British English vs American English. Let's learn and share.
KEY: sl. = slang
n. = noun
v. = verb
+ = can be used by Americans, but rare and/or archaic
> = American spelling can be used as alternate spelling
(XX)= Pronounciation difference
a knockout (sl. beautiful) a stunner (sl.)
a little bit a spot (sl.)
abrigment abrigement
acknowledgment acknowledgement
ad (sl.) advert (sl.)
airplane aeroplane
aisle gangway
alley mews
aluminum aluminium
analyze >analyse
anemia anaemia
anesthetic anaesthetic
annex annexe
apartment mansion flat
apprise/apprize apprise
amortize amortise/amortize
ardor ardour
baby buggy (sl.) pram (sl. perambulator)
babysitter child-minder
bar pub
bartender landlord
bathroom loo (sl.)
bathroom +lavatory
beat (sl. tired) fagged
biscuit scone
big deal (sl.) big noise (sl.)
blacktop macadam
brash cheeky (sl.)
breakfast sausage banger (sl.)
bucks (sl. dollars) quid (sl. pounds)
buffet set meal
buggy (4 wheel carriage) buggy (2 wheel carriage)
bum (sl. vagrant) +tramp
bum (sl. vagrant) bum (sl. backside)
burglary house-breaking
cafeteria refrectory
can (metal container) tin
can (sl. jail) nick (sl. gaol)
n. = noun
v. = verb
+ = can be used by Americans, but rare and/or archaic
> = American spelling can be used as alternate spelling
(XX)= Pronounciation difference
a knockout (sl. beautiful) a stunner (sl.)
a little bit a spot (sl.)
abrigment abrigement
acknowledgment acknowledgement
ad (sl.) advert (sl.)
airplane aeroplane
aisle gangway
alley mews
aluminum aluminium
analyze >analyse
anemia anaemia
anesthetic anaesthetic
annex annexe
apartment mansion flat
apprise/apprize apprise
amortize amortise/amortize
ardor ardour
baby buggy (sl.) pram (sl. perambulator)
babysitter child-minder
bar pub
bartender landlord
bathroom loo (sl.)
bathroom +lavatory
beat (sl. tired) fagged
biscuit scone
big deal (sl.) big noise (sl.)
blacktop macadam
brash cheeky (sl.)
breakfast sausage banger (sl.)
bucks (sl. dollars) quid (sl. pounds)
buffet set meal
buggy (4 wheel carriage) buggy (2 wheel carriage)
bum (sl. vagrant) +tramp
bum (sl. vagrant) bum (sl. backside)
burglary house-breaking
cafeteria refrectory
can (metal container) tin
can (sl. jail) nick (sl. gaol)
can (sl. backside) bum (sl.)
caliber calibre
call up (telephone) ring up
cark shark (sl. gambler) card sharper (sl.)
center centre
cinder road metalled roadway
check cheque
checkers (game) draughts
clerk (KLERK) clerk (KLAHRK)
closet (clothes closet) closet (toilet)
closet (clothes closet) cupboard (clothes closet)
color colour
corn +Indian corn
connection connexion
confused fogged (sl.)
cookie biscuit
cop (police officer) bobby
county court assize
coveralls boiler suit
crap (sl. worthless) rot (sl.)
crooked (illegal) bent (sl.)
curb kerb
dead on (sl.) bang on
defense defence
deflection deflexion (but not in engineering)
derby (hat) bowler
detour diversion
dialyze >dialyse
diarrhea diarrhoea
diner chop house
disbarred struck off
disgusting off-putting
dishrag dish mop
discount store cut-price shop
dock quay
draft beer draught beer
dresser +wardrobe
dude tosh (sl.)
ecology oecology (old sp.)
edema oedema
efficiency apartment bed-sit
electrolyze >electrolyse
elevator lift
engineer (railroad) engine driver
enrollment enrolment
eolian aeolian
esophagus oesophagus
estrogen oestrogen
etiology aetiology
favor favour
favorite favourite
can (sl. backside) bum (sl.)
caliber calibre
call up (telephone) ring up
cark shark (sl. gambler) card sharper (sl.)
center centre
cinder road metalled roadway
check cheque
checkers (game) draughts
clerk (KLERK) clerk (KLAHRK)
closet (clothes closet) closet (toilet)
closet (clothes closet) cupboard (clothes closet)
color colour
corn +Indian corn
connection connexion
confused fogged (sl.)
cookie biscuit
cop (police officer) bobby
county court assize
coveralls boiler suit
crap (sl. worthless) rot (sl.)
crooked (illegal) bent (sl.)
curb kerb
dead on (sl.) bang on
defense defence
deflection deflexion (but not in engineering)
derby (hat) bowler
detour diversion
dialyze >dialyse
diarrhea diarrhoea
diner chop house
disbarred struck off
disgusting off-putting
dishrag dish mop
discount store cut-price shop
dock quay
draft beer draught beer
dresser +wardrobe
dude tosh (sl.)
ecology oecology (old sp.)
edema oedema
efficiency apartment bed-sit
electrolyze >electrolyse
elevator lift
engineer (railroad) engine driver
enrollment enrolment
eolian aeolian
esophagus oesophagus
estrogen oestrogen
etiology aetiology
favor favour
favorite favourite
To be continued....
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