- Cut out portraits Of' interesting or unusual people from magazines.
- Look for unknown people.
- Try and find large pictures.
- You need one picture for each member of the class and at least seven extra.
- Try and find some pictures that arc similar, for example find a few of blond middle aged women, find a few of business men, etc.
- Choose two large pictures and put these on cardboard.
- Pin one of these two pictures oil the board.
2. Procedure
- Do a vocabulary brainstorming session for the portrait oil the board.
- Write the students' words and ideas oil the board around the portrait.
- When they have no more words you can help. At this point you can introduce new ways of describing age, hair color, etc.Repeat with the second picture.
- Now give each student one of the pictures.
- Explain that the students are witnesses to a crime and have to give a very accurate written description of' the person they saw to the police.
- Ask the student not to show, their portrait to anyone else.
- Give them plenty of' time to write their descriptions and ask for your help. But you Should seta time limit.
- When they are finished collect the portraits.
- Ask students to exchange their description with another student.
- Ask them to ready the description they have and think about what that person must look like.
- While the students are reading shuffle all the pictures.
- Then pin the pictures around the walls.
- Students the get up and walk around trying to find the portrait that best fits the description they have.
- They can then check whether they are correct with the writer of the description.
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